To See A Doctor
All patients are seen by appointment only. To make an appointment please contact reception, either by telephoning 01304 373341 or in person. Routine appointments are 10 minutes long. If you need to be seen urgently that day, please let the receptionist know your symptoms so they can offer you an appointment. Where appropriate you may be offered an appointment with a clinician at another GP surgery in Deal or Sandwich. Failing that, we will try to give you an appointment with a doctor if possible. This may involve waiting but you will be advised of a time to attend, these appointments are only five minutes long. We will endeavour to give you the doctor of your choice but this may not always be possible.
Sometimes it may be quite a wait to see a specific doctor. The doctors do re-assess the availability of their appointments daily at 8.00am where they may release more appointments if possible. You may telephone at this time to check availability.
You can also book or cancel appointments online:
Sign in to Patient Access
Please enquire at reception for the details required to use this facility.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
Please let the surgery know if you are unable to keep your appointment as we may be able to offer it to another patient. You can cancel or change your appointment:
How To Make The Most Of Your Appointment
Information on how to make the most of your next appointment
To See A Practice Nurse Or Health Care Assistant
The practice nurses hold daily surgeries, in which they can see and treat patients of all ages for a variety of health matters including dressings, blood tests, blood pressures, cervical smears, dietary advice and ear syringing. They also run clinics for diabetes, asthma and hypertension.
In order to allow enough time for your consultation with the nurse, it would be helpful if you could tell the receptionist the reason for your visit. The health care assistant has been trained to support the practice nurses. You can make an appointment with her for blood pressure checks and new patient health checks. You may also be advised by the nurses or doctors to make an appointment with her for follow-up spirometry, dressings and Doppler tests.
Appointments at the Local Hub
We're here for you, for longer
Extra appointments are now available in your area during the evening and on the weekend. To book an appointment contact your GP practice.
For more information visit
If you need help when we are closed
- Use NHS 111 online ( or call 111. 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
- Out of hours information
- If it’s a life-threatening emergency call 999.
Telephone Advice
If you need to speak to a nurse or doctor on the telephone please give your details to the reception staff, with a brief summary of the reason for your call. A doctor or nurse will try to telephone you when they have finished their surgery, but this may not always be possible and you may have to wait until the following day for a call back. If your call is urgent please make the receptionist aware of this.
Home Visits
Home visits will be made by paramedic practitioner/doctors if a patient is too ill to attend the surgery and this will be at the doctors discretion. A doctor may phone you to discuss your visit request further, please make sure we have your correct up to date phone number. Please try to come to the surgery wherever possible as the facilities are far better for examination and treatment. Telephone 01304 373341 please try to telephone for a home visit before 10.30am most home visits are done after morning surgery.
If you need an IMMEDIATE visit please make sure the receptionist understands the URGENCY of your request.
Try the NHS App
You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to