Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Hayley Mullan - Female
- RGN South East Kent School Of Nursing
- BSc Hons Specialist Practice (D/N cccuc/Brighton University 2/1 2004
- MSc Advanced Nursing Practice (MSc) Older person fellowship Kings College London 2017
- PG Cert Advanced Nursing Practice CCCU Merit 2013
- Awarded Queens Nursing Title 2014
The Practice Staff
Practice Manager
Ms Michelle Liversidge
Deputy Practice Manager
Mrs Suzanne Oliver
Practice Nurses
Charlotte Standen - Female - RGN, Diploma - Diabetes Management
Susan Stocks - Female - RGN, Diploma - Asthma Management
Kelly Crew - Female - RGN, Diploma BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice
Lesley Drane - Female - RGN,Diploma - PGD (Merit)Diabetes Management - Diploma BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice - PTLLS Level 3
Healthcare Assistants
Deborah Hyder - Female
Sophie Philpott - Female
Julie Smith - Female
Community Nurses
Community nurses work alongside the practice to provide care in the home for patients whose ill health prevents them from attending the surgery.
To contact the community nurses please ring 0300 1231943 and leave a message. They will respond to your call as soon as possible.
Health Visitors
The Health Visiting team hold a Health Child Clinic every Monday between 9.30am & 12.00pm at the Blossom Children's Centre The Downs Primary School 03000 411555. These clinics will offer families the opportunities to have contact with the health visiting team and receive advice and support on topics such as infant feeding, behaviour, healthy weight and sleep. In addition to that we will be providing breastfeeding drop in's every week. Within the clinic they will also be delivering parenting programmes which will cover; infant wellbeing, managing minor illness and reducing accidents, learning through play and introducing solid foods. Health Visitor Duty Advice Line is available Monday - Friday 9.00am to 5pm Telephone: 01304 873590
We no longer have counsellors attached to the surgery. If you wish to see a counsellor them you will need to be referred by your GP. Alternatively, patients may self-refer to the Dover Counselling Service (01304 204123) or to Kent Stressbusters on 01303 850674.
Staff Training
Sometimes we will have doctors and nurses undergoing postgraduate training here at the practice. In this regard we are subject to inspection to ensure standards are maintained. If you would rather not have a trainee present at your consultation, please say so.
Video Recording
We may wish to record some training consultations for doctors' use only (all recordings are disposed of later). Again if you would rather not have this done at your consultation, please say so.